Where we are

Garden Resort & Spa San Crispino

Tordandrea di Assisi (PG)


Residenza d'Epoca San Crispino

Via S.Agnese 11

06081 Assisi (PG)

Coordinate GPS:

Lat/Long: 43.069868, 12.615013

Centro Prenotazioni

Tel. +39 075 8043257
Whatsapp: +39 3711121715
Fax +39 075 8043257
E-mail info@assisiwellness.combooking@assisibenessere.it

From E-45 highway, you take Exit Assisi S. Maria degli Angeli Nord and you drive in the direction of Assisi. On your left from the main road, in a big round corner, you find Parking Porta Moiano, the nearest to our Historical Residence (less than 100 metres). 

However, on arrival, instead of parking here, you can drive into the historical centre through Porta San Francesco specifying that you are driving to San Crispino Historical Residence. You reach Vescovado's square and then you drive across Via S. Agnese, which goes up on your right hand side from the square.

50 metres far away, San Crispino Historical Residence welcomes you with its big wooden entrance door and a wonderful shrine dating back to the XIV century.
GPS Coordinates
lat 12,61534 long 43,06985